Monday, July 9, 2012

T-SQL Best Practices

When writing a T-SQL either as an ad-hoc query or a stored procedure, besides ensuring the queries are fully optimized, you should keep few things in mind. Although none of these are required, but trust me someone reading your queries in the future will thank you for it, and it may even save you a headache in the future. I don't have many, but there are few guidelines / best practices that I try to adhere to.

 Properly Indenting your query makes it so much easier to read and / or troubleshoot. 
 For example, consider the following query..
SELECT FirstName,LastName,EmailAddress,Address1,Address2,Phone,Fax FROM Customers

Can be rewritten as...
FROM Customers

It is certainly easier to read and you can quickly figure out what columns are being selected. You can make it even more useful by making the following change...

FROM Customers

By using "," as a prefix in subsequent columns, you can easily comment out a line containing the column that you don't want your query to return instead of having to rearrange it.

Using Square Brackets
Although square brackets are not necessary unless you have a space in column name, using it ensures that if your column name ever becomes a reserved word in SQL, you query won't break. For example, you can write the above query as follows...

FROM [Customers]

Using Statement Terminators
Using semicolon (;) at the end of your SQL Statement. If you use C# or C++ or Java for application development, this may be second nature, but not so much for VB Developers. Although SQL Server currently doesn't require semicolon in most cases, it may change in the future as it is part of the ANSI SQL-92 standard. So to avoid future headaches, always use semicolon. Thus the proper way to write the above query would be...

FROM [Customers];

If you have multiple statements in your query, use semicolon after each one. For example, I can add SET NOCOUNT ON in my query above.

FROM [Customers];

Capitalize all T-SQL Keywords
Capitalizing T-SQL Keywords such as SELECT, FROM, WHERE, JOIN etc. makes it so much easier to read your query and to differentiate between the T-SQL keywords and your own columns etc.

Happy Programming!

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